Attack of the “Mac” Clones

psystar2No, I am not talking about another Star Wars movie. I am writing about the return of the Mac Clones. This time they are not being manufactured by Apple Inc (AAPL); instead this new Mac Clone is coming from a Florida computer company named Psystar. They are offering for $399.99 a fully functioning Mac Clone running Mac OS X Leopard. One would say to themselves, “Great, a Mac for $399.99”. But here’s the catch. First it is not sanctioned by Apple. Apple has not giving the okay to produce a Clone. The second issue that this Mac Clone faces is Apple’s license agreement. In the Leopard license agreement it states that the Operating System can only be installed on Apple branded hardware. I am paraphrasing the license agreement. For the exact wording please refer to your Mac OS X Leopard license agreement, or you can visit Apple’s legal page for Hardware and Software Product Agreements, by clicking here. For $399.00 you are only receiving the computer and Mac OS X Leopard. You are not getting a monitor, keyboard, or a mouse. Yes, I know that is how a Mac Mini is sold, but when you purchase a Mac Mini you are receiving Apple’s 90-day phone support, and 1 year parts and labor; which run concurrent with the 90-day phone support. You will pay a little more for the Mac Mini; however, Apple will be around to support their product. I don’t know the specifics about Psystar’s warranty, but who knows if they will be around in a month or a year. Then you are left with a product that has no warranty support. Do I think it is a bad idea to have a Mac Clone? I would have to say yes. When you are buying an Apple product, you are buying a system that both the hardware and the software gel with one another. As Apple has stated in the past, “It just works”. ’nuff said. To read CNN Apple 2.0 article click here.